Warning: As for now, Renaissance development is not mature enough to be contributor-friendly. If you want to contribute, you need to contact the core team directly. The easiest way to do that is by joining the Gitter GreenPix/dev room.

If you have no idea what a license is, check out this website.

Each repository can have its own license, even GreenPix will try to be consistent and avoid to use to many different licence. If no LICENSE file is present at the root of a repository, then the project is open source but not a free software. That is, you are not allowed to reuse it in your own project without the explicit permission of the repositiries authors.



Renaissance is a project leaded by GreenPix, an association under French Law (Law 1901). GreenPix members are devoted to create a pleasant game, without either cash shop or advertisment.

Project Leader

The GreenPix President is the Renaissance Project Leader. The final call is his.

The current Project Leader is @Azamung.

Core Team

GreenPix members that are involved in Renaissance software development form the Core Team. The Core Team leads the Renaissance development. With respect with the workflow (see WORKFLOW.md), they merge regular and non regular contributors work into master branch.

The current Core Team members are:

Community Mediator

The Community Mediator is a member of the Core Team. His work is to ease the Renaissance development. For instance, he writes the monthly recap published in the project forum. He is a good interlocutor if you want to contribute to Renaissance (visiting our Gitter room is also a good idea.

The current Community Mediator is @Ikyushii.

Game Design Team

GreenPix members that are involved in Renaissance game design definition form the Game Design Team. A game design feature cannot be merged into master without their agreement.

Regular Contributors

Regular contributors are well known and trusted Renaissance contributors. They can do everything a Core Team member does, except merging PR into master.

New Contributors

It can be you! New contributors are welcome to help. Because new contributors cannot push commits directly into GreenPix repositories, they have to fork them and then do Pull Requests.


Note: As much as possible, this workflow has to be follow when contributing to GreenPix repositories. In exceptional cases, specific workflow can be used and the project README or a dedicated WORKFLOW file will describe it.

Core Team members and regular Contributors (see ROLES.md) have write access to GreenPix repositories. That is, they can push commit directly to those repositories. If you are a new contributor, you do not have write accesses. You have to fork the targeted repositories and push your changes into those forks.

It’s a good practice that even Core Team members work on their own fork for minor or trivial features and keep branches in upstream repositories for major features.

Branch model

Because Renaissance is still in an early development stage, we used a simplified gitflow workflow.

The main branch is master. As much as possible, direct commits should be avoided. When a developer wants to add a new feature, he can create a new branch, starting from the last master commit. When the feature is ready, Github Pull Requests are used. The Core Team will review its code and, if everything is correct, merge it into master.

Tag model

Every first sunday of each month, the Core Team tries to publish a summary of what have been done during the last month. When a project is mentionned into one of these recap, it is tagged using the following convention: <project-name>-r<recap-number>.

That is, if for instance sarosa is mentionned in the recap #5, a tag sarosa-r5 will be created. As much as possible, fixed issues and merged PR will be assign to a related milestone with the same name (that is, in this example, sarosa-r5).